Delamore Arts

Delamore Art - Every Day in May - 1030 - 1630

Tel: 01752 837663

The Artist - Le. Jack

Le. Jack investigates the androgyny within all of us. They say, ‘we have a feminine and masculine energy. It’s not about gender, it’s our yin and yang.’ Male energy represents decisiveness and directness, whereas the feminine is a source of nurture and empathy. Their work seeks out and balances these elements, using clay to explore feminine and masculine forms, blending them together in pieces that teeter between the abstract and the figurative. The physicality of working with clay lends itself beautifully to an organic merging of forms. As someone who has trained as a blacksmith and stained-glass artisan, the three dimensional is a natural way for Le. Jack to express themselves. They have gained a mastery of materials, so now they can push the boundaries of technique.
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