Delamore Arts

Delamore Art - Every Day in May - 1030 - 1630

Tel: 01752 837663

The Artist - Alan Cotton OBE PP Hon SWAc

Alan is represented internationally by Messums Fine Art, London. He has work in the Royal Collections and in public Collections worldwide. Alan is President Emeritus and a founding member of the South West Academy. He was awarded Honorary Doctorates by both the Universities of Exeter and Bath. He is Hon. Professor for the Arts at the University of Bath. Alan has been presenter and the subject of Arts programmes for both regional and national television. He accompanied HRH the Prince of Wales as Tour Artist to the Southern Hemisphere and travelled twice as Expedition Artist to Mount Everest with explorer Sir David Hempleman-Adams.  A major Retrospective Exhibition of his work was staged at the University of Bath and at the RAMM in Exeter, from June to November 2015. He was awarded an MBE in the 2022 New Year Honours List.
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